Instructor Bio
I have been camping, walking and generally living on the beach since I was knee high to a grass hopper. However, I turned outdoor activities into a professional job just over ten years ago, working at various outdoor centres across the country.
I have now taken a slight side step from delivering sessions to develop adaptive sports equipment at university. Having nice long summers off, I still love working alongside others to encourage them to develop, achieve and learn new skills, particularly in relation to bush craft, fire building and team challenges. I enjoy using my design skills to create new, fun and innovative sessions and resources.
See you round the campfire for some cooking action!
I have now taken a slight side step from delivering sessions to develop adaptive sports equipment at university. Having nice long summers off, I still love working alongside others to encourage them to develop, achieve and learn new skills, particularly in relation to bush craft, fire building and team challenges. I enjoy using my design skills to create new, fun and innovative sessions and resources.
See you round the campfire for some cooking action!